SSTEP (Spelman's STEM Teacher Education Pipeline) Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) Application Form
General Information:Spelman's STEM Teacher Education Pipeline (SSTEP) Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) position will allow students to gain an early experience in the STEM classroom. The role of a UTA can range from: working with small groups of students in classroom, teaching mini-lessons to the class, as well as providing tutoring sessions for students to attend.UTA Requirements:
•Applicant must be a freshman or sophomore Spelman STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) major interested in a career in secondary school science or mathematics education (Note: Depending on availability, juniors and seniors may also be accepted. First preference will be given to freshman and sophomore mathematics, chemistry, or physics majors).
• A U.S. citizen
•A minimum grade point average of 2.7.
•Receive a B or better in designated course for which the UTA will be assigned to for the semester (exemption by the placement test or transfer credits are also acceptable).
UTA Responsibilities:
•Bi-weekly reflections on classroom experiences
•Hold weekly tutoring hours for students
•Meet with faculty mentor 3 times a semester
•Attend designated class sessions at least twice a week
•Meet as a group with the other UTAs twice a semester
(Reduced responsibilities for those who are taking EDU206 Orientation to Education)
Application Components:
•Completed application form (form is available below)
•One copy of applicant's unofficial academic transcript (If freshman, provide midterm grades for Fall 2014 accessible through Banner)
Stipend: $1500 for Spring 2016 semester