Tuesday, September 23, 2014

pre-UTA (undergraduate teaching assistant) application

Through SSTEP (Spelman's STEM Teacher Education Pipeline) Project, 10 pre-UTAs will be selected to observe 3-5 classes in Fall 2014.
Duration: Late October to November.

Participants will be granted $100 stipend upon successful completion of the pre-UTA training task.

Fill out the pre-UTA application (click on the hyperlink and submit the application form online).
Feel free to contact Dr. Shannon Sung (spelmanstep@gmail.com)

Friday, September 19, 2014

[RSVP] 10/4 (Sat) Workshop 11-2pm

Please fill out this RSVP form to participate in the forthcoming workshop:
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) Workshop

Date: 10/4 (Saturday)
Time: 11-2pm 
Location: will be emailed to you
Location: Ta

(9/18 Informational Session at Tapley119)

Thanks for participating in yesterday's event. Many interested candidates showed up!

This figure with annotations indicates the timeline in the four stages of this STEM educator pipeline.
If you're an U.S. citizen in STEM majors at Spelman College and you are interested in teaching at Grades 6-12 levels, this opportunity speaks to you.

Curriculum Sequences:
1. Secondary Chemistry Teacher Certification
2. Secondary Physics Teacher Certification
3. Secondary Math Teacher Certification

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Launching the Spelman's Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Informational Session

Informational Session Flyer

If you're a STEM major and interested in becoming a G6-12 STEM teacher...
If you would like to receive a stipend of $1500/semester as an undergraduate teaching assistant...then

Tapley 119
9/18 Thursday

For the informational Session.

We will be raffling prizes!

Application form for pre-UTA (will be available soon)
Application form for UTA (will be available after pre-UTA training)